Now don’t get me wrong all you stingy bastards out there who think you’ve found a kindred sister. I love to give gifts. And that’s just it – I’m just a bit bummed about having to set a lowly limit on each present!
So I have 6 brothers and sisters. Add to that my mum, then the two brothers-in-law and the one sister-in-law, and then the baby niece and baby nephew, and new niece/nephew-on-the-way. Oh and don’t forget the boyfriend and the best friend and the chocolate-based-gift for the office. And before I even realised it, there are about one million people that I genuinely want to get an amazing gift for. However, my name is in fact pensivebuddha or Rebecca, and definitely not Rockafella or Trump. So £20 budget per person it is! So you see my point. My generous heart is being beaten to the ground by my withered purse. And I think it’s winning. #badtimes.
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